I Stumble, You Stumble, He-She-We Stumble


So I recently stumbled upon StumbleUpon. (…I’m not even ashamed of that pun.)

I had definitely heard of the popular social news site, but I hadn’t ever actually looked into the hype. Now, I’m a bit obsessed. But apart from its obvious appeal to individual users, I wasn’t sure whether StumbleUpon was a worthwhile resource that businesses should look into.

So I did some research. And I’ve come to the conclusion that if your business isn’t currently using StumbleUpon as a marketing tool, it should. It’s actually a great resource for driving traffic to your website.

Shanna Mallon gives 4 Quick Tips about how to effectively use StumbleUpon to increase website traffic.

Use it Regularly

Make an account (an individual account – StumbleUpon isn’t a fan of business accounts) and use it consistently. Set aside time to research and submit content.

Add “Stumble” buttons to your website

You know those “Pin It” buttons and the Facebook “share” buttons? StumbleUpon has that too! Download it onto your website to make it easy for visitors to post your business’s content to their own accounts.

Build Community

Follow the users who follow you and follow users with similar interests. Build a community that supports you and the promotion of your business’s content.

Share Content

Obviously, share your business’s content, but share related content as well. This will also allow you to build your community.

In sum, StumbleUpon can be a valuable resource to a business if used correctly and the four tips above certainly provide a starting point for businesses to do so.


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